US4203597A Throatless tennis racquet 失效

Throatless tennis racquet
An adjustable throatless tennis racquet including a head portion formed of two similar members disposed in spaced relation with respect to one another and separated by a plurality of spacers fixedly maintained therebetween by a plurality of pin members, the racquet further including a plurality of sheaves rotatably mounted preferably around the spacers and including a peripheral groove about the exterior thereof to receive therein a string as in conventional tennis racquets however such that the stringing is performed in a diagonal fashion, the ends of the stringing secured to a connector member in the top of the handle portion of the frame such that by lateral movement of the connector portion the strings throughout the surface of the diagonally strung racquet will be allowed to move axially with respect to the string itself, the connector being laterally movable within a space defined by the parallel extending surfaces of the two similar members, the racquet further including a mechanism for adjusting of the tension of the stringing by varying the tension exerted on the connector member in a direction axially with respect to the handle.