Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for correcting the fuel quantity in an internal combustion engine
- Patent Title (中): 用于校正内燃机中的燃料量的方法和装置
Application No.: US14197Application Date: 1979-02-22
Publication No.: US4294211APublication Date: 1981-10-13
- Inventor: Gerhard Stumpp , Wolf Wessel
- Applicant: Gerhard Stumpp , Wolf Wessel
- Applicant Address: DEX Stuttgart
- Assignee: Robert Bosch GmbH
- Current Assignee: Robert Bosch GmbH
- Current Assignee Address: DEX Stuttgart
- Priority: DEX2807924 19780224
- Main IPC: F02D41/40
- IPC: F02D41/40 ; F02D41/02 ; F02M69/00 ; F02M59/20
A method and apparatus for correcting the fuel quantity delivered by a fuel injection apparatus to an internal combustion engine, in particular for correcting the full-load fuel quantity per stroke, whereby a control value corresponding to the fuel injection quantity per time unit is formed and is converted into a control value corresponding to the fuel injection quantity by means of division of a value dependent on the rpm, the injection quantity per stroke being corrected by means of an adjustment of the fuel quantity control device of the fuel injection apparatus in accordance with the deviation of this converted control value from a set-point value.
Public/Granted literature
- US5937675A Method and system for rejuvenating pressurized fluid solvents used in cleaning substrates Public/Granted day:1999-08-17
Information query