US4352080A Ferrite core 失效

Ferrite core
The new structure of a ferrite core for the use of a power transformer and/or a choke coil has been found. The core is assembled by a pair of identical core halves, and each of core half comprises (a) a circular center boss(12), (b) a pair of outer walls(14,16) positioned at both the sides of said boss(12) so that a fan-shaped empty space is provided between the circular boss(12) and a pair of outer walls(14,16) for mounting a coil, (c) a pair of base plates(18,20) coupling said boss(12) with said outer walls(14,16) at the extreme end of those members so that those members conform substantially with the E-shaped structure, (d) the other extreme end of said boss(12), the outer walls(14,16) and the base plates(18,20) residing on a single plane, (e) each of said outer walls(14,16) being essentially rectangular with the external linear wall and the inner curved wall which is coaxial with the circular boss(12), and the width(d.sub.2) of said external linear wall is larger than the diameter(d.sub.3) of the circular boss(12), (f) each of said base plates(18,20) being essentially in the sector shaped having a pair of tapers which are gradually opened towards the outer walls(14,16), (g) the area(S.sub.3) coupling the base plates(18,20) with the outer walls(14,16) being larger than the half of the cross sectional area(1/4.pi.d.sub.3.sup.2) of the boss(12), (h) the area(S.sub.2) coupling the boss(12) with the base plates(18,20) being substantially the same as half of the cross sectional area(1/4.pi.d.sub.3.sup.2) of the boss(12), and (i) the area(S.sub.1) of the cross section of each of the outer walls(14,16) being essentially the same as half of the cross sectional area(1/4.pi.d.sub.3.sup.2) of the boss(12).