US4561768A Color copying method 失效

Color copying method
An exposed and developed strip of film has a series of frames which are to be copied. The strip is scanned at a multiplicity of regions to measure the transparencies in the three primary colors, and the most transparent region of the film strip is established. The neutral density of each region of a frame is calculated as are the density differences between the respective region and the most transparent region in the three primary colors. The color density differences for each region are plotted on a color density diagram having six equally spaced axes which radiate from a common origin. The origin is defined by the color densities of the most transparent region while the respective axes represent the three primary colors and the three complementary colors. The color density diagram is divided into four color segments. The density differences for each region are vectorially added in the color density diagram to generate a resultant vector. The length of the resultant vector is compared with a reference value which is a function of the color segment into which the vector projects and is also a function of the difference in neutral density between the region under investigation and the most transparent region. If the length of the resultant vector is greater than the reference value, a color dominant is assumed to be present.