US4606244A Indexing turntable assembly 失效

Indexing turntable assembly
A workpiece indexing assembly which causes incremental rotation of a turntable from one work station position to another being actuated by a linearly translating driver. The mechanism includes an indexing hub having a number of radially spaced notches, a one-way clutch dog, a locking pawl and a driving dog. Upon retraction of the driver the driving dog becomes disengaged from one notch and is rotated until engagement occurs with another notch. Retraction also causes disengagement of the locking pawl. Rotation of the table is prevented during retraction by the one-way clutch. Upon extension of the actuator, the one-way clutch allows rotation. When the next work station position is reached, the locking pawl and the one-way clutch are reseated into hub notches. The driver is connected to the driving dog by a link featuring overcenter travel to insure firm locking of the turntable at a work station position.