Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Miniature tactical HF antenna
- Patent Title (中): 微型战术高频天线
Application No.: US553667Application Date: 1983-11-21
Publication No.: US4652888APublication Date: 1987-03-24
- Inventor: Richard E. Deasy
- Applicant: Richard E. Deasy
- Applicant Address: CA El Segundo
- Assignee: Rockwell International Corporation
- Current Assignee: Rockwell International Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: CA El Segundo
- Main IPC: H01Q7/04
- IPC: H01Q7/04 ; H01Q9/38 ; H01Q11/14
An improved miniature antenna is disclosed which provides an electrically short radiation pattern by providing shielding of selected portions of a current carrying conductor forming a loop antenna. The shielding is provided so that the shielded portion of the loop antenna does not cancel the radiation from an unshielded radiating portion of the antenna, thereby producing a uniform radiation pattern. A plurality of the current carrying elements formed by the shielded and unshielded portions may be coupled in a series and parallel relationship to provide optimum impedance matching at the frequency of operation of a transmitter or receiver.
Public/Granted literature
- US5932139A Fluorescent substance, fluorescent composition, fluorescent mark carrier and optical reader thereof Public/Granted day:1999-08-03
Information query