Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Hydraulic control device
- Patent Title (中): 液压控制装置
Application No.: US916171Application Date: 1986-10-07
Publication No.: US4711155APublication Date: 1987-12-08
- Inventor: Rudolf Brunner
- Applicant: Rudolf Brunner
- Applicant Address: DEX Munich
- Assignee: Heilmeier & Weinlein Fabrik fur Oel-Hydraulic GmbH & Co. KG
- Current Assignee: Heilmeier & Weinlein Fabrik fur Oel-Hydraulic GmbH & Co. KG
- Current Assignee Address: DEX Munich
- Priority: DEX3536219 19851010
- Main IPC: F15B11/00
- IPC: F15B11/00 ; F15B11/05 ; F15B13/04 ; F15B13/044
A hydraulic control device for a hydraulic motor having a working pressure line connecting a source of pressure with the motor and containing a non-return valve from which a bypass line branches off to communicate with the fluid reservoir or tank; a three-way flow controller is connected to the tank and is in communication with a two-way flow controller; characterized in that a single measuring orifice is common to several pressure balances with a single porportional magnet provided in the working pressure line.
Public/Granted literature
- US5934365A Heat exchanger Public/Granted day:1999-08-10
Information query