Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Universal rolling stand with rolling rings supported as cantilevers
- Patent Title (中): 通用滚动支架作为悬臂支撑
Application No.: US123722Application Date: 1987-11-23
Publication No.: US4907437APublication Date: 1990-03-13
- Inventor: Alfredo Poloni , Fausto Drigani
- Applicant: Alfredo Poloni , Fausto Drigani
- Applicant Address: ITX Buttrio
- Assignee: Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA
- Current Assignee: Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA
- Current Assignee Address: ITX Buttrio
- Priority: ITX83444A/86 19861124
- Main IPC: B21B13/00
- IPC: B21B13/00 ; B21B13/10 ; B21B31/08 ; B21B31/26
Universal rolling stand with horizontal rolling rings supported as cantilevers on the mill stand, to the front of which stand is fitted a universal device (13) that forms a compact unit, pre-assembled and pre-positioned, comprising horizontal rolling rings (12), means (30) to secure the horizontal rings, vertical rolling rings (23) and equipment (33) to guide the rolled stock.
Public/Granted literature
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