US5000441A Simulated climbing exercise device 失效

Simulated climbing exercise device
An exercise device includes a base, an elongated prop extending upward from the base and having an upper slide groove, a pair of slide pieces movably disposed on opposite sides of the elongated prop in the upper slide groove, a pair of handle pieces provided on the slide pieces, and a cable provided adjacent to the top end of the elongated prop to alternatingly move the slide pieces downward and upward along the upper slide groove. An inclined post connects the elongated prop to the base and supports the former in an upwardly inclining manner. A pair of elongated foot pedals are provided on opposite sides of the elongated prop on top of the base. Each of the foot pedals has a rear end hinged to the inclined post. A pair of vertical adjoining rods join each of the foot pedals to one of the slide pieces. A pair of hydraulic cylinders provide resistance to any movement of the foot pedals. Each of the hydraulic cylinders has a cylinder body hinged to one of the foot pedals and a piston rod pivoted on the inclined post adjacent to the elongated prop.