US5032349A Shutdown of a high temperature reactor 失效

Shutdown of a high temperature reactor
A process is provided for the long term shutdown of a high temperature nuclear reactor comprised of a pile of spherical fuel elements in a core by means of a neutron absorbing absorber material wherein the absorber material consisting of spherical absorber elements is introduced in the core of spherical fuel elements in the form of a column, but wherein the intermixing of the absorber material with the fuel elements is prevented. An apparatus for practicing the process is also provided comprised of a graphite side reflector concentrically surrounding a circular cylindrical core filled with a pile of spherical fuel elements of a high temperature nuclear reactor, into which at least two nose shaped projections distributed uniformly about the circumference radially project, with each of the projections comprising a vertical cavity to contain the absorber material. The vertical cavity is located in the vicinity of the core in the area of the frontal side facing the core of each projection. Pourable absorber material provided by means of a reservoir located above the core and introduced into the vertical cavity penetrates the pile of spherical fuel elements in the form of a column, thereby absorbing neutron radiation.