Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for integrated data capture and electronic article surveillance
- Patent Title (中): 集成数据采集和电子文件监控的方法与装置
Application No.: US271001Application Date: 1988-11-14
Publication No.: US5059951APublication Date: 1991-10-22
- Inventor: George W. Kaltner
- Applicant: George W. Kaltner
- Applicant Address: NJ Thorofare
- Assignee: Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: NJ Thorofare
- Main IPC: G07G1/12
- IPC: G07G1/12 ; G06K7/00 ; G06K7/10 ; G07G1/00 ; G08B13/14 ; G08B13/24
The access window of a slot scanning data capturing system, or the gun of a hand held data capturing system, is fitted with a deactivation system of the type which is generally used to deactivate the tags or labels of an electronic article surveillance system so that the tag or label which is provided on the goods (to be purchased) is deactivated in the course of capturing the data at the point of sale.
Public/Granted literature
- US5524729A Pulse-action mist lubrication system Public/Granted day:1996-06-11
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