US5190323A High pressure coupling 失效

High pressure coupling
A high pressure coupling for hose-like objects in which the nipple structure includes a main portion, a connecting nipple portion extending from the main portion in one direction and a nipple portion extending from the main portion in the opposite direction. A sleeve-like member made from tubular stock is adapted to be securely connected to the nipple structure by crimping, flanging or the like. The nipple portion includes outwardly projecting, rounded-off ribs cooperating with rounded-off grooves in the sleeve-like member so that the hose inserted between the nipple portion and the sleeve-like member is held securely in position after the nipple portion is internally expanded with subsequent reduction of the cylindrical surface of the sleeve-like member. Both the nipple structure as well as the sleeve-like member are made from appropriate stock machined accurately to the required dimensions. Sharp edges provided in the nipple main portion will anchor themselves securely in the crimped or flanged-over end of the sleeve-like member to assure a secure fastening between these two parts.