US5328981A Recovery of poly(arylene sulfide ketone) and poly(arylene sulfide diketone) resins 失效

Recovery of poly(arylene sulfide ketone) and poly(arylene sulfide
diketone) resins
A poly(arylene sulfide ketone) or poly(arylene sulfide diketone) resin having improved handling characteristics is prepared by a process comprising preparing in a first enclosed vessel a slurry comprising a solid poly(arylene sulfide ketone) or poly(arylene sulfide diketone) resin and a liquid polar organic compound, and optionally water; then substantially liquifying the resin to form a mixture comprising substantially liquified resin and polar organic compound; then flashing the mixture into a second vessel having a pressure lower than the first vessel, thereby removing a portion of the polar organic compound and solidifying the resin.When the slurry further comprises water, the invention method optionally includes a venting step prior to the substantial liquification of the resin and/or a concentration step after the substantial liquification of the resin.