US5341727A Positioning mechanism 失效

Positioning mechanism
A gas-fired, double-sided griddle apparatus for high-volume commercial cooking comprises double-sided griddles, each having a lower platen having a horizontal lower cooking surface and an upper platen having an upper cooking surface; a positioning mechanism for moving the upper platen of each griddle into a horizontal position in contact with the food, permitting the upper platen to press downward against the food until the cooking surface reaches a predetermined level above the cooking surface of the lower platen, stopping the downward movement at that level, and lifting the upper platen away from the food after a predetermined cooking time; a counterflow heater for heating a supply of oil to desired temperatures; and apparatus for circulating the heated oil through a serpentine path wherein the oil contacts, and transfers heat to, a first region of the lower platen and a similar path wherein the oil transfers heat to a second region of the upper platen that is positioned directly above, and parallel to, the first region while cooking food located between the two regions of the platens. A weight controlled valve in the oil circulating apparatus maintains substantially constant pressure in the oil.