Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Preparation of compounded rubber composition from bubble-containing ethylene/.alpha.-olefin rubber
- Patent Title (中): 由含气泡的乙烯/α-烯烃橡胶制备复合橡胶组合物
Application No.: US947972Application Date: 1992-09-21
Publication No.: US5346987APublication Date: 1994-09-13
- Inventor: Takashi Nakahara , Toshiaki Kimura , Takashi Mishima
- Applicant: Takashi Nakahara , Toshiaki Kimura , Takashi Mishima
- Applicant Address: JPX Tokyo
- Assignee: Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
- Current Assignee: Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
- Current Assignee Address: JPX Tokyo
- Priority: JPX63-258922 19881014; JPX1-247687 19890922
- Main IPC: C08J9/12
- IPC: C08J9/12 ; C08C4/00 ; C08F236/20
In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a bubble-containing ethylene/.alpha.-olefin rubber excellent in kneadability, characterized in that the ethylene/.alpha.-olefin rubber prepared by copolymerization of 50-95 mol % of ethylene, 5-50 mol % of .alpha.-olefin having at least 3 carbon atoms and 0-10 mol % of non-conjugated polyene contains 5-1000 parts by volume, based on 100 parts by volume of said rubber, of bubbles and has a water absorption volume as measured in accordance with ASTM D 1506 of less than 20% by volume of the total bubble volume.
Public/Granted literature
- US06075298A Rotary and linear translation actuator performing multi-functions in an automobile Public/Granted day:2000-06-13
Information query