US5414729A Pseudorandom noise ranging receiver which compensates for multipath distortion by making use of multiple correlator time delay spacing 失效

Pseudorandom noise ranging receiver which compensates for multipath
distortion by making use of multiple correlator time delay spacing
A receiver for pseudorandom noise (PRN) encoded signals consisting of a sampling circuit, multiple carrier and code synchronizing circuits, and multiple digital correlators. The sampling circuit provides digital samples of a received composite signal to each of the several receiver channel circuits. The synchronizing circuits are preferably non-coherent, in the sense that they track any phase shifts in the received signal and adjust the frequency and phase of a locally generated carrier reference signal accordingly, even in the presence of Doppler or ionospheric distortion. The multiple correlators in each channel correlates the digital samples with locally generated PRN codes having multiple offsets, to produce a plurality of correlation signals. The plurality of correlation signals are fed to a parameter estimator, from which the delay and phase parameters of the direct path signal, as well as any multipath signals, may be estimated, and from which a range measurement may be corrected.