US5487299A Apparatus and method for destructive testing of coupons formed from metal 失效

Apparatus and method for destructive testing of coupons formed from metal
An apparatus and method for conducting destructive testing is disclosed. A flywheel 14 supports a hammer 60 on an outer periphery thereof and in fixed position relative thereto. A carriage 90 includes a support mechanism which supports a coupon C taken from an article of manufacture. The carriage 90 moves between a first retracted position and a second deployed position. In the deployed position, the coupon C is placed into the path of the hammer 60 as the flywheel 14 rotates. Sensing means 200 are provided for sequencing the advancement of the coupon C into the hammer's path. Means are provided for disengaging a drive which powers the flywheel 14 immediately prior to the hammer 60 impacting and severing the coupon C. Means are further provided for measuring the decrement in flywheel speed caused by severing the coupon C. The decrement can be related to the force required in passing the hammer 60 through the coupon C which in turn relates to thez properties of material forming the coupon C.