US5582960A Photographic print material 失效

Photographic print material
An improved image display material comprising high chloride silver halide emulsions having greater than 90 mole % silver chloride, where the material comprises a yellow dye-forming layer sensitive to blue light comprising a high chloride silver halide emusion with a peak spectral sensitivity to blue light less than about 475 nm, preferably from about 440-475 nm, and a coupler dispersion comprising a yellow dye-forming coupler and a water-insoluble polymer. Photographic image display materials with both short-blue sensitivity and a polymer dispersion in the yellow dye-forming blue-sensitive layer show a synergistic improvement in color reproduction in accordance with the invention, providing for color photographic prints with less color error than seen for materials comprising only one of the components. The improvement is most notable for yellow and green colored areas of a color print.