US5680509A Method and apparatus for estimating phone class probabilities a-posteriori using a decision tree 失效

Method and apparatus for estimating phone class probabilities
a-posteriori using a decision tree
A method and apparatus for estimating the probability of phones, a-posteriori, in the context of not only the acoustic feature at that time, but also the acoustic features in the vicinity of the current time, and its use in cutting down the search-space in a speech recognition system. The method constructs and uses a decision tree, with the predictors of the decision tree being the vector-quantized acoustic feature vectors at the current time, and in the vicinity of the current time. The process starts with an enumeration of all (predictor, class) events in the training data at the root node, and successively partitions the data at a node according to the most informative split at that node. An iterative algorithm is used to design the binary partitioning. After the construction of the tree is completed, the probability distribution of the predicted class is stored at all of its terminal leaves. The decision tree is used during the decoding process by tracing a path down to one of its leaves, based on the answers to binary questions about the vector-quantized acoustic feature vector at the current time and its vicinity.