Invention Grant
- Patent Title: One piece transparent license plate protector and method of making same
- Patent Title (中): 一件透明牌照保护器及其制作方法
Application No.: US749725Application Date: 1996-11-15
Publication No.: US5950339APublication Date: 1999-09-14
- Inventor: David F. Lucier
- Applicant: David F. Lucier
- Assignee: Lucier; David F.
- Current Assignee: Lucier; David F.
- Main IPC: B29B13/06
- IPC: B29B13/06 ; B29C37/00 ; B29C43/02 ; B29C59/02 ; B60R13/10 ; G09F7/00
An improved license plate protector comprises a one piece flexible cover made of relatively high impact strength polycarbonate resin, which remains substantially transparent and damage resistant even upon marring, scratching and weathering of the cover during use. The plate protector further comprises an improved structural technique for positioning and securing a one piece, light weight plate protector to a license plate and a motor vehicle, and protecting the license plate, through the combined use of a perimeter rib, retaining tabs, a plurality of positioning tabs, corresponding attachment locations and a plurality of attachment holes. A method of making a license plate protector as described comprises the steps of drying polycarbonate resin with a heater, and forming a license plate protector by application of heat and pressure to such resin in a molding device having mold surfaces comprising material selected from the group consisting of stainless steel and chrome plating.
Public/Granted literature
- US4647523A Production of a resist image Public/Granted day:1987-03-03
Information query