US5999041A Load actuation circuit 失效

Load actuation circuit
An output MOS transistor and a current-detecting MOS transistor are connected commonly at their drains and gates. A gate voltage is fed to the gates of these transistors via signal lines. When the voltage of an output terminal is increased in response to excessive load current, a current-mirror circuit consisting of first and second transistors pulls in current from the signal line to reduce the gate voltage. Thus, the output current of output MOS transistor is limited within a predetermined level. Furthermore, a diode, provided in the signal line, produces a voltage drop equivalent to the base-emitter voltage of first transistor. By the function of this diode, the gate-source voltage of output MOS transistor is equalized with the gate-source voltage of current-detecting MOS transistor. As a result, the same operating point can be set for the output transistor and the current-detecting transistor.