Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Corrosion resistant lubricants, greases and gels
- Patent Title (中): 耐腐蚀润滑剂,润滑脂和凝胶
Application No.: US16461Application Date: 1998-01-30
Publication No.: US06010984APublication Date: 2000-01-04
- Inventor: Robert L. Heimann , Nancy M. McGowan , William M. Dalton
- Applicant: Robert L. Heimann , Nancy M. McGowan , William M. Dalton
- Applicant Address: MO Moberly
- Assignee: Elisha Technologies Co. LLC
- Current Assignee: Elisha Technologies Co. LLC
- Current Assignee Address: MO Moberly
- Main IPC: C10M169/04
- IPC: C10M169/04 ; C10M169/06 ; C10M113/12 ; C10M113/08
The disclosure relates to improved gel/grease compositions as well as grease compositions capable of imparting improved corrosion resistance. The grease includes a silica/silicate mixture that can imparts a relatively high pH and corrosion resistant properties to the grease.
Public/Granted literature
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Information query