Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Differential clear container sensor with improved noise immunity
- Patent Title (中): 差分透明容器传感器,具有改善的抗噪声能力
Application No.: US987818Application Date: 1997-12-10
Publication No.: US6018159APublication Date: 2000-01-25
- Inventor: Richard A. Alderman , David A. Klein , Bo Su Chen
- Applicant: Richard A. Alderman , David A. Klein , Bo Su Chen
- Applicant Address: MN Minneapolis
- Assignee: Honeywell Inc.
- Current Assignee: Honeywell Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: MN Minneapolis
- Main IPC: G01V8/14
- IPC: G01V8/14 ; G01V8/22 ; G01N9/04
A photoelectric sensing unit, especially useful for determining the passage of clear bottles or other low contrast targets on a conveyor, contains two sensors and a signal processing unit to determine the signal differential. The signal differential is compared to a selected value and sensor output is enabled or disabled. High noise immunity, resistance to target reflection, and output reliability result. The unit may correct the selected value to account for environmental change and/or unit component performance. The unit can also figure the speed of passage of the bottles.
Public/Granted literature
- US5330798A Thermal spray method and apparatus for optimizing flame jet temperature Public/Granted day:1994-07-19
Information query