US06295559B1 Rating hypermedia for objectionable content 有权

Rating hypermedia for objectionable content
A method for providing rated hypermedia content, in which the rating represents degrees of objectionable content, includes four steps: generating raw hypermedia content from a set of units containing data from external data files, obtaining content rating vectors associated with the external data files, deriving a composite content rating vector for the raw hypermedia content from the content rating vectors, and storing the composite content rating vector in the raw hypermedia content to produce rated hypermedia content. Preferably, the raw hypermedia content is a raw search result page created automatically by a search engine in response to a query from a client machine. A rated search result page is generated and transmitted to the client machine over a computer network. The units may represent external data files, preferably other Web pages, and the content rating vectors represent the degrees of objectionable content of the Web pages. Content rating vectors are obtained directly from the external data files or by rating them automatically. The external data files may be of any type, including audio, text, image, or a combination. The composite content rating vector comprises a set of components, and each component is derived from corresponding components of the content rating vectors. Each component may equal the maximum value of the corresponding components of the content rating vectors.