Method and apparatus for calculating a page table index from a virtual address
A method and apparatus calculate a page table index from a virtual address. Employs a combined hash algorithm that supports two different hash page table configurations. A “short format” page table is provided for each virtual region, is linear, has a linear entry for each translation in the region, and does not store tags or chain links. A single “long format” page table is provided for the entire system, supports chained segments, and includes hash tag fields. The method of the present invention forms an entry address from a virtual address, with the entry address referencing an entry of the page table. To form the entry address, first a hash page number is formed from the virtual address by shifting the virtual address right based on the page size of the region of the virtual address. If the computer system is operating with long format page tables, the next step is to form a hash index by combining the hash page number and the region identifier referenced by the region portion of the virtual address, and to form a table offset by shifting the hash index left by K bits, wherein each long format page table entry is 2K bytes long. However, if the computer system is operating with short format page tables, the next step is to form a hash index by setting the hash index equal to the hash page number, and to form a table offset by shifting the hash index left by L bits, wherein each short format page table entry is 2L bytes long. Next, a mask is formed based on the size of the page table. A first address portion is then formed using the base address of the page table and the mask, and a second address portion is formed using the table offset and the mask. Finally, the entry address is formed by combining the first and second address portions. By providing a single algorithm capable of generating a page table entry for both long and short format page tables, the present invention reduces the amount of logic required to access both page table formats, without significantly affecting execution speed.