US06494951B1 Cementing compositions using dry cementitious materials having improved flow properties 有权

Cementing compositions using dry cementitious materials having improved flow properties
Cement compositions and methods of cementing within subterranean formations penetrated by well bores wherein the flow properties of one or more dry particulate cementitious materials are improved and wherein the materials can be readily conveyed out of storage tanks and the like. A preferred composition of the present invention comprises a particulate flow enhancing additive dry-blended with one or more dry particulate cementitious materials, said flow enhancing additive being comprised of a particulate solid material carrying a flow inducing polar chemical, and a sufficient amount of water to form a pumpable slurry. The methods basically include the steps of dry-blending the particulate flow enhancing additive with the one or more dry particulate cementitious materials; forming a pumpable slurry using the one or more cementitious materials having the particulate flow enhancing additive blended therewith; pumping the slurry into a well bore; and then allowing the slurry to solidify within the subterranean formation.