US06650673B2 Generation of short optical pulses using strongly complex coupled DFB lasers 失效

Generation of short optical pulses using strongly complex coupled DFB lasers
A compact source capable of generating continuously tunable high frequency microwave radiation and short optical pulses in the picosecond/sub-picosecond range is invented. It includes a laser structure having two lasers formed on the same substrate which simultaneously operate at different longitudinal modes. Each laser has a complex coupled (gain-coupled or loss-coupled) grating which is formed by deep etching through a multi-quantum well structure, either of the active medium or of the additional lossy quantum-well layers, thus ensuring no substantial interaction between lasers. The lasers have a common active medium and shared optical path and provide mutual light injection into each other which results in generation of a beat signal at a difference frequency of two lasers. The beat frequency is defined by spacing between the laser modes and may be continuously tuned by current injection and/or temperature variation. Thus, the beat signal provides a continuously tunable microwave radiation. To form a train of short optical pulses, the beat signal is either further sent to a saturable absorber followed by a semiconductor optical amplifier, or sent directly into an optical compressor which includes a dispersion fiber. As a result, a duration of each impulse is compressed, and a train of short optical pulses is formed.