US06753884B1 Method and apparatus for wireless web time and expense entry via time keeping and expense tracking server access 失效

Method and apparatus for wireless web time and expense entry via time keeping and expense tracking server access
A system and method for building GUI screens for a time keeping and expense tracking system includes a time keeping and expense tracking (TKET) server that includes computer instructions that define logic for building GUI screens according to user definitions, communication channel throughput capacity, and terminal capacity. Initially, the TKET server examines a user's ID to determine his group affiliations and ability levels for modifying the parameters, objects and layout of a GUI screen. Thereafter, the TKET server allows the user to make changes according to his defined abilities. For subsequent sessions, the TKET server builds a GUI screen according to the previously defined parameters. The TKET server is operable to act as a remote time clock. Accordingly, the TKET server is formed to receive and interpret signals that define the user ID, an account code, and whether a start or stop timekeeping event has been selected.