US06810197B2 Isotopically altered optical fiber 失效

Isotopically altered optical fiber
An isotopically-altered, silica based optical fiber is provided having lower losses, broader bandwidth, and broader Raman gain spectrum characteristics than conventional silica-based fiber. A heavier, less naturally abundant isotope of silicon or oxygen is substituted for a lighter, more naturally abundant isotope to shift the infrared absorption to a slightly longer wavelength. In one embodiment, oxygen-18 is substituted for the much more naturally abundant oxygen-16 at least in the core region of the fiber. The resulting isotopically-altered fiber has a minimum loss of 0.044 dB/km less than conventional fiber, and a bandwidth that is 17 percent broader for a loss range between 0.044-0.034 dB/km. The fiber may be easily manufactured with conventional fiber manufacturing equipment by way of a plasma chemical vapor deposition technique. When a 50 percent substitution of oxygen-18 for oxygen-16 is made in the core region of the fiber, the Raman gain spectrum is substantially broadened.