US06835776B2 Stabilized thermoplastic molding materials 有权

Stabilized thermoplastic molding materials
Thermoplastic molding materials containing the following ingredients with regard to components A-F: A) 5-70 wt. % of at least one graft copolymer A) consisting of a rubber elastic base with a glass transition temperature below 0° and a grafted overlay made of a styrene compound and acrylonitrile or methacrylonitrile or mixture thereof in addition to, optionally, other monoethylenically unsaturated monomers, B) 29-90 wt. % of a hard copolymer made of at least one styrene compound, acrylonitrile or methacrylonitrile or mixtures thereof and, optionally, other monoethylenically unsaturated monomers, C) 0-5 wt. % of at least one three-block copolymer X-Y-X with a middle block Y propylenoxide units and terminal block X made of ethyleneoxide units, D) 0.01-5 wt. % of at least one butylated reaction product of cresol with dicyclopentadiene, E) 0.01-5 wt. % of at least one thiocarboxylic acid ester, F) 0.01-5 wt. % of at least one alkaline metal salt or alkaline earth metal salt of a C6-C20carboxylic acid, G) 0-30 wt. % in relation to constituents A)-G), of other usual additives. The moulding materials exhibit a db* -value, after exposure to the atmosphere, of less than +5,0 after 100 hours of exposure to light and the atmosphere according to ISO 4892/2, method A, black temperature 65° C. colour measurement according to CIE-Lab in accordance with DIN 6174 and DIN 5033.