US06957609B2 Method and device for dispersing submunitions 失效

Method and device for dispersing submunitions
The present invention relates to a method and a device for combating a pre-determined target with submunitions directed at the target from an airborne carrier in the form of a rocket, missile or equivalent (1) whereby the submunitions (17) are of the type whose main effect in target derives from impact with the target. As claimed in the present invention the submunitions (17) are given both a lateral motion vector (34) relative to the direction of flight of the carrier and a motion vector (35) in the direction of flight of the carrier. Jointly these motion vectors give the submunitions a resultant motion vector in a direction (36) towards the target. When the present invention is used the submunitions (17) are given the actual combined motion by the rotating magazine (5) in which they are stowed that rotates up to a high rate around the direction of flight of the carrier (1) before the submunitions leave the carrier when the centrifugal force gives them their lateral motion vector and they acquire their longitudinal motion vector from the direction of flight of the carrier.