Single crystal, dual wafer, tunneling sensor or switch with silicon on insulator substrate and a method of making same
A method of making a micro electro-mechanical switch or tunneling sensor. A cantilevered beam structure and a mating structure are defined on an etch stop layer on a first substrate or wafer; and at least one contact structure and a mating structure are defined on a second substrate or wafer, the mating structure on the second substrate or wafer being of a complementary shape to the mating structure on the first substrate or wafer. A bonding layer, preferably a eutectic bonding layer, is provided on at least one of the mating structures. The mating structure of the first substrate is moved into a confronting relationship with the mating structure of the second substrate or wafer. Pressure is applied between the two substrates so as to cause a bond to occur between the two mating structures at the bonding or eutectic layer. Then the first substrate or wafer and the etch stop layer are removed to free the cantilevered beam structure for movement relative to the second substrate or wafer.