US06999277B2 Magnetic head having thermally assisted write head with heater element, and protective sacrificial layer 失效

Magnetic head having thermally assisted write head with heater element, and protective sacrificial layer
A magnetic head including a media heating device. Following the fabrication of the heating device, a sacrificial layer of material is deposited to protect the heating device during subsequent process steps. Thereafter, write head components, such as write head induction coils and/or a P1 pole pedestal are fabricated above the heating device, and the sacrificial layer is substantially consumed in protecting the heating device during the aggressive etching and milling steps used to create those components. Further components, including a second magnetic pole are thereafter fabricated to complete the fabrication of the write head portion of the magnetic head. The sacrificial layer may be comprised of alumina, or a material such as NiFe that can act as a seed layer for a subsequent head components such as the P1 pole pedestal.