US07082103B2 Subscriber terminal, network controller and communication system for performing packet data transfer with reduced delay 有权

Subscriber terminal, network controller and communication system for performing packet data transfer with reduced delay
In a communication system (SYS) in which a packet data transfer is performed between the network side (NS) and the subscriber terminal side (SS) a physical connection (LC) is maintained during the data packet transfer. An active period detector (AP-DET) detects an active period of data packet generation by evaluating the inter-arrival time (TDIFF) between successively arriving data packets (DP). If the inter-arrival time (TDIFF) falls within a predetermined range a physical connection maintaining device (LC-MAIN) maintains the physical connection (LC) even if a transmitter queue (TR-QUE) temporarily becomes empty. Therefore, within the active period (AP) the transmitter (NS-TR; SS-TR) indicates a non-empty queue. The invention finds particular application in the GPRS/(E)GPRS/GSM environment.