US07240182B2 System and method for providing a persistent function server 失效

System and method for providing a persistent function server
A system and method for providing a persistent function server is provided. A multi-processor environment uses an interface definition language (idl) file to describe a particular function, such as an “add” function. A compiler uses the idl file to generate source code for use in marshalling and de-marshalling data between a main processor and a support processor. A header file is also created that corresponds to the particular function. The main processor includes parameters in the header file and sends the header file to the support processor. For example, a main processor may include two numbers in an “add” header file and send the “add” header file to a support processor that is responsible for performing math functions. In addition, the persistent function server capability of the support processor is programmable such that the support processor may be assigned to execute unique and complex functions.