US07430799B2 Apparatus for deforming flexible cable sections extending between rigid printed circuit boards 失效

Apparatus for deforming flexible cable sections extending between rigid printed circuit boards
A method for preforming of two or more flexible cables in an arrangement consisting of a combination of rigid printed circuit boards and flexible cable sections extending therebetween. Moreover, also provided is an apparatus for the preforming of two or more flexible cable sections of a combination of rigid printed circuit boards and therewith interposed flexible cable sections which are adapted to interconnect the rigid printed circuit boards. The apparatus consists of a tool constituted of an elongated cylindrical member having a tapered leading end which narrows into an ultra-thin flat end section of a blade-like configuration, and which is adapted to be pushed between the flexible cables and so as to preform the flexible cable sections and cause them to yield in a predetermined outwardly bowed permanently relationship between the rigid printed circuit boards at the opposite ends thereof to lengthen the fatigue life of the conductors in the flexible cable sections.