US07456906B2 Power status detection and processing of audio/video (A/V) devices in A/V networks 有权
A / V网络中音频/视频(A / V)设备的电源状态检测和处理

Power status detection and processing of audio/video (A/V) devices in A/V networks
Systems and methods are provided that facilitate detection and processing of A/V device power status in A/V networks. Preferably, a power detection system includes a current sensor coupled to the power cord of an A/V device, a current-to-voltage converter coupled to the sensor, a voltage comparator coupled to the converter, a reference voltage output circuit coupled to the comparator, and a micro-controller coupled to the comparator and the reference voltage output circuit. In operation, the current being drawn by the A/V device through its power cord is detected and converted to an input voltage, which is then compared to a device specific threshold voltage. If the input voltage is not greater than the threshold voltage, a “Power On” command is sent to the A/V device and the detection, conversion and comparison process is repeated. If the input voltage is greater than the threshold voltage, desired commands and/or instructions are sent to the A/V device.