US07595808B2 Method and apparatus for updating a color look-up table 有权

Method and apparatus for updating a color look-up table
Aspects of the invention may include a method updating a color look-up table (CLUT) for a next line of graphics before a current line of graphics has been completely read out of a graphics FIFO and assigned color pixel values. The method may include the step of formatting or arranging the CLUT into a plurality of sub-CLUTs. Each one of the sub-CLUTs may include pixel color values for each one of a plurality of pixels which may include a line of the graphics image data. Pixel color values may be read from within a first selected sub-CLUT, the first selected sub-CLUT comprising pixel color values for a first line of the graphics image data. The read pixel color value may be applied to the current first line of the graphics image data. While the read pixel color value is being applied to the current first line, pixel color values for a second selected sub-CLUT may be updated. The second selected sub-CLUT may include color pixel values for a second line of the graphics image data.