US07630620B2 Apparatus and method for measuring an acceleration to determine a camera dome's required motor holding current 有权

Apparatus and method for measuring an acceleration to determine a camera dome's required motor holding current
A system and method for reducing vibration in a dome camera security system is provided in which the heat produced by the motors is reduced as well. The dome camera system is equipped with an acceleration detecting circuit disposed in close proximity to the camera. The acceleration detecting circuit has an accelerometer for detecting accelerations in any of three directions (i.e., X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis). As a vibration is induced on the camera by external forces, such as wind or traffic, the acceleration detection circuit detects accelerations indicative of the vibrations and in proportion to the magnitude of the vibration on the camera. A controlling circuit adjusts the holding current of the motors in response to the detected accelerations, thereby increasing the ability of the motors to maintain a particular camera position. When vibrations are detected to be minimal or not present, the holding current can be reduced thus reducing heat production by the motors.