Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Methods and systems for placing an implanted stimulator for stimulating tissue
- Patent Title (中): 放置刺激器刺激组织的方法和系统
Application No.: US11232540Application Date: 2005-09-21
Publication No.: US07684858B2Publication Date: 2010-03-23
- Inventor: Tom Xiaohai He , Todd K. Whitehurst , Alfred E. Mann , Peter K. Johnson
- Applicant: Tom Xiaohai He , Todd K. Whitehurst , Alfred E. Mann , Peter K. Johnson
- Applicant Address: US CA Valenica
- Assignee: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation
- Current Assignee: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: US CA Valenica
- Agency: Vista IP Law Group LLP
- Main IPC: A61N1/36
- IPC: A61N1/36
Systems for providing stimulation with an implantable system control unit and for optimally positioning that system control unit include a system control unit configured to provide a stimulus to a patient with a member attached to the system control unit for pulling the system control unit into position within the patient. Methods of optimally positioning the implantable system control unit within a patient such that the system control unit is proximal to target tissue that is to be stimulated by the system control unit include threading a member through a patient's body using a needle, the member passing proximal to the target tissue and being attached to the system control unit, and pulling the system control unit into place with the member.
Public/Granted literature
- US20070066997A1 Methods and systems for placing an implanted stimulator for stimulating tissue Public/Granted day:2007-03-22
Information query