Invention Grant
US07725533B2 System and method for enhanced messaging including a displayable status indicator relating to another user and an associated playlist or webpage
- Patent Title: System and method for enhanced messaging including a displayable status indicator relating to another user and an associated playlist or webpage
- Patent Title (中): 用于增强消息的系统和方法,包括与另一用户和相关联的播放列表或网页相关的可显示状态指示符
Application No.: US11937324Application Date: 2007-11-08
Publication No.: US07725533B2Publication Date: 2010-05-25
- Inventor: Christopher T. Szeto , Vinod P. Dhomse , Todd Beaupre , Pierre Schiro
- Applicant: Christopher T. Szeto , Vinod P. Dhomse , Todd Beaupre , Pierre Schiro
- Applicant Address: US CA Sunnyvale
- Assignee: Yahoo! Inc.
- Current Assignee: Yahoo! Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: US CA Sunnyvale
- Agency: Greenberg Traurig, LLP
- Main IPC: G06F13/00
- IPC: G06F13/00
A system and method for enhancing the experience of a user using a communication program over the Internet or other network. The system and method according to one embodiment utilizes a user's status indicator in a communication program to share content such as music or videos among users, and provides access to an electronic commerce application through which content may be obtained. One system and method according to the present invention allows a user to display an indicator and to set an actionable status message which indicates to other users the media content that the first user is experiencing. In another embodiment, a user is given the ability to access content that other users are listening to or viewing at that time. The system and method in an alternate embodiment broadcast metadata about the user's content to other users and the other users are able to utilize that metadata to receive and experience the same or similar content that the first user is experiencing. Access to an electronic commerce application through which content may be obtained is also facilitated.
Public/Granted literature
Information query