Invention Grant
US07782862B2 Method for controlling packet delivery in a packet switched network
- Patent Title: Method for controlling packet delivery in a packet switched network
- Patent Title (中): 用于在分组交换网络中控制分组传送的方法
Application No.: US11332761Application Date: 2006-01-13
Publication No.: US07782862B2Publication Date: 2010-08-24
- Inventor: Christopher Francis Mooney , Qinqing Zhang
- Applicant: Christopher Francis Mooney , Qinqing Zhang
- Applicant Address: US NJ Murray Hill
- Assignee: Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.
- Current Assignee: Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: US NJ Murray Hill
- Agent John Ligon
- Main IPC: H04L12/56
- IPC: H04L12/56
![Method for controlling packet delivery in a packet switched network](/abs-image/US/2010/08/24/US07782862B2/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
A method is provided for controlling the misordering of packets in packet delivery in radio access networks (RANs) and other packet-switched networks. In one aspect, the method involves reading header information to determine the proper sequence of arriving packets, storing at least some packets that have arrived out of order, and forwarding the stored packets in a modified order that has no more than a specified degree of misordering.
Public/Granted literature
- US20070165643A1 Method for controlling packet delivery in a packet switched network Public/Granted day:2007-07-19
Information query