Invention Grant
US07787703B2 Method and system for extending binary image data to contone image data
- Patent Title: Method and system for extending binary image data to contone image data
- Patent Title (中): 将二进制图像数据扩展到连续图像数据的方法和系统
Application No.: US11126970Application Date: 2005-05-11
Publication No.: US07787703B2Publication Date: 2010-08-31
- Inventor: Peter D. McCandlish
- Applicant: Peter D. McCandlish
- Applicant Address: US CT Norwalk
- Assignee: Xerox Corporation
- Current Assignee: Xerox Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: US CT Norwalk
- Agency: Basch & Nickerson LLP
- Agent Michael J. Nickerson
- Main IPC: G06K9/40
- IPC: G06K9/40
A method and system converts a binary image into an analog image by first tagging pixels that are part of edges in the digital image and using this tagging information to eliminate such tagged pixels from the digital filtering process. The elimination of such tagged pixels from the digital filtering process substantially eliminates artifacts near the edges, thereby reducing any distraction from the perceived quality of the output image.
Public/Granted literature
- US20060257045A1 Method and system for extending binary image data to contone image data Public/Granted day:2006-11-16
Information query