Invention Grant
US07860133B2 Method for transferring and separating telephone call data 有权

Method for transferring and separating telephone call data
The invention consists of equipment and a method for allowing old line capacity to provide near dsl or superior dsl quality telephone connections. A method of handling a telephone call with an associated data package over a telephone system having a power pair of lines and a second pair of communication lines with the steps of: a) determining the types of data desired to create a data group from the group consisting of voice, picture, bio-marker (finger print, retinal scan, etc.), card holder information (credit card number, etc.), DNIS and ANSI call data, generating at least one first byte digital data from at least one first digital data generator; generating at least one second type digital data from at least one second digital data generator; prioritizing the data between the at least one first byte digital data and at least one second type digital data so that the at least one first byte digital data is given priority; determining the bandwidth associated with transmission of the at least one first byte digital data; preferentially sending the at least one first byte of digital data within the bandwidth associated therewith; and adding bandwidth as required to include the at least one second type digital data. The data is separated and forwarded on at a site remote from the phones. Data is carried to the phone as well as away from the phone using this prioritized process.
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