US07937160B2 Methods for delivering cortical electrode leads into patient's head 有权

Methods for delivering cortical electrode leads into patient's head
Methods and kits for delivering an electrode lead into the head of a patient are provided. A burr hole is formed within the cranium of the patient, and an electrode lead is threaded through the burr hole. The electrode lead is then placed in a pre-shaped two-dimensional geometry between the cranium and cortical brain tissue of the patient. An access anchor may be mounted into the burr hole to facilitate introduction and removal of the electrode lead and other devices. In some circumstances, it may be desirable to separate the dura mater overlying the cortical brain tissue from the cortical brain tissue to create a pocket in which the electrode lead may be manipulated. In this case, a tissue layer dissection device can be introduced through the burr hole, operated to separate the dura mater from the cranium, and then removed from the burr hole. In one embodiment, the dissection device comprises a balloon that can be inflated to separate the dura mater and cranium, and then deflated prior to removing the dissection device from the burr hole.