US08027668B2 Method and system for creating a personalized journal based on collecting links to information and annotating those links for later retrieval 有权

Method and system for creating a personalized journal based on collecting links to information and annotating those links for later retrieval
A system and method is provided for handling data in wireless communication devices where data may be captured and linked to a personal journal via indexing and mapping of context data tags abstracted from captured data. The captured data may be retrieved by matching a query to one or more context data tags indexed and mapped to the personal journal. A user preference utilizing one or more of the context data tags linked to the personal journal may facilitate captured data retrieval. The captured data may include multimedia data of an event pre-tagged with indexed information such as user ID, time, date, location and environmental condition or optionally one or more user's biometric data in response to the event. The pre-tagged captured data may be stored in the local host device or transferred to a remote host or storage for later retrieval or post processing.