US08090638B1 Systems and methods for extendable swap 失效

Systems and methods for extendable swap
A system and method for providing an extendable swap is provided. In a preferred embodiment, two parties enter into an ISDA Master Agreement and then negotiate one or more OTC derivative transaction agreements, including interest rate swaps, cross-currency swaps, commodity swaps, equity swaps and/or currency swaps. The parties negotiate terms including conditions precedent to the automatic extension of the extendable swap. Where the condition(s) precedent are met at the end of a period, the agreement automatically renews for another period (with the same terms), up to a final termination date. Where the conditions precedent are not met, the contract in not renewed, and the agreement terminates on the relevant anniversary date. Such a swap enables a party to offer better pricing due to period valuations and probabilities that are used to calculate the price of the swap.