Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Starting virtual instances within a cloud computing environment
- Patent Title (中): 在云计算环境中启动虚拟实例
Application No.: US12722809Application Date: 2010-03-12
Publication No.: US08122282B2Publication Date: 2012-02-21
- Inventor: Boas Betzler , Robert J. Etkins , Holger J. Macho , Marc-Arthur Pierre-Louis
- Applicant: Boas Betzler , Robert J. Etkins , Holger J. Macho , Marc-Arthur Pierre-Louis
- Applicant Address: US NY Armonk
- Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
- Current Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: US NY Armonk
- Agency: Keohane & D'Alessandro PLLC
- Agent William E. Schiesser; Ronald A. D'Alessandro
- Main IPC: G06F11/00
- IPC: G06F11/00
![Starting virtual instances within a cloud computing environment](/abs-image/US/2012/02/21/US08122282B2/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
Embodiments of the present invention provide a system that leverages the Operational Support System(s) (OSS) and Business Support system(s) (BSS) of a (e.g., public) computing Cloud with a service to automate virtual instance restarts. For example, under embodiments of the present invention, a failed virtual instance is detected within the Cloud computing environment, and a request for a new virtual instance is received in response thereto. Upon receiving the request, an entitlement of a user associated with the failed virtual instance will be tested. Specifically, a set of authentication calls and checks are deployed in accordance herewith to ensure the integrity of the requests, as well as the authorization of the requester for the resource use. Assuming testing is passed, a countdown timer associated with the failed virtual instance will be decreased. When the countdown timer reaches a predetermined threshold (e.g., zero), the new virtual instance will be started, the failed virtual instance will be terminated, and the countdown timer will be reset/restarted by instance. Integration with BSS further allows for monitoring and charging of service usage as well as opening the option for pay-as-you-go charges for the restart service itself.
Public/Granted literature
Information query