US08161353B2 Apparatus, system, and method for validating that a correct data segment is read from a data storage device 有权

Apparatus, system, and method for validating that a correct data segment is read from a data storage device
An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for validating that correct data is read from a storage device. A read request receiver module receives a read storage request to read a data segment of a file or object stored on a data storage device. The storage request includes one or more source parameters for the data segment. The source parameters include one or more virtual addresses that identify the data segment. A hash generation module generates one or more hash values from the virtual addresses. A read data module reads the requested data segment and returns one or more data packets and corresponding stored hash values stored with the data packets. The stored hash values were generated from a data segment written to the data storage device that contains data of the data packets. A hash check module verifies that the generated hash values match the respective stored hash values.