US08265214B2 Method and apparatus for adaptive timing synchronization in a communication network 失效

Method and apparatus for adaptive timing synchronization in a communication network
An adaptive timing synchronization process dynamically adapts timing synchronization parameters for both wide and local area channels based on channel estimates. Timing synchronization parameters are dynamically adapted according to C/I estimates calculated from WID/LID energies. The timing synchronization algorithm 102 takes as the primary input, the current channel estimate 110 and produces an output comprising a correction to the current Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) sampling window position delta T (or offset) for locating the start of data within a current symbol 108. After dynamic parameter adjustment of noise filtering thresholds 104 and weak channel tap sensitivities 106 based on a calculated C/I from the channel estimate, a timing synchronization algorithm 102 locates the beginning of each continuous symbol by finding the boundary between the preamble, or cyclic prefix, and the useful data portions interlaced with pilots for channel information defining the start of a symbol 108.